
About Prolink

Prolink Documents Clearing offers a wide range of professional services to new and established businesses. Dubai based, we have sufficient knowledge and experience in advicing and assisting corporations and individuals in setting up businesses anywhere in the UAE.

Prolink opened its doors and decided to enter into this business having seen a severe lack of companies in the Dubai market with the confidence and knowlwdge to assist in set ups and understanding of government procedures. More importantly we had the necessary skills and contacts to make the provision of business set up services simple and accessible. By offering a quality solution, hurdle and obstacles and the right governing bodies to assist. The perceived obstacles companies face when sitting up here are no diffrent to anywhere else, the key is to have a consultancy on board that know the relevant procedures and official channels.

Prolink we offer wide more than what initially may be perceived as the role of an in-house PRO. With new laws sometimes being difficult to work around, our multi-cultural, multilingual team of dedicated and knowledgeable staff ensure that the client and their businee face no obstacles. We see new laws as a positive thing for the region and always ensure they are strictly adhered to.